
All of the news following competitive Crokinole.

How to Watch CrokinoleCentre Videos Before Everyone Else

Nathan Walsh February 17, 2020

There was a time not so long ago that videos from CrokinoleCentre did not have production quality as their worst characteristic, as hard as that is to imagine.

No, starting in 2013, and only ending around 2017, CrokinoleCentre's absolute biggest problem was extreme unpunctuality.

It's laughable that if you view the upload date of most videos from 2013 to 2017, you'll see they were generally uploaded 6-18 months after they were originally played. One might wonder how any viewer could put up with such delay, although judging based on the view count of most of those 2013-2017 videos it's clear few did. It might be coincidental, but CrokinoleCentre viewership did start to rise in 2017 once the videos became a tad more prompt.

Yes in those years CrokinoleCentre videos would have appeared to have been the work of a college or university student: bereft of urgency until the procrastination had finally come to halt from the force of impending deadlines. Regrettably, all deadlines in this business (whatever this business is) are self-imposed, so for a while the only desire was to ensure the World Championship videos from a past year appeared online before the following year's event. With great relief the CrokinoleCentre channel would heap 12 videos online in a day. Hey! You like crokinole right? How about 6 hours of it!

One day I was given a helpful tip from one of the game's great players, who suggested the work be spaced out and tackled incrementally. Like all good advice this was ignored initially, but fortunately this player offered the advice a second time. Once it set in it was found to be much easier to complete, and so this eventually led to the goal of uploading one video each week.

All of this preamble is to say that most of the time the schedule is followed, and sometimes a video is even prepared a couple weeks in advance, where it usually sits unviewed as the world of crokinole fans (slightly larger in number in 2020 then they were in 2014) simply waits.

So for loyal CrokinoleCentre readers, here is presented the gift of not waiting (as a recompense for having to wait so long in previous years).

The full list of soon to be released videos will be provided here. The listing will avoid using player names so as to prevent viewers from seeing spoilers about which players advance into the playoffs or win a semifinal match. Unfortunately viewers of this website can't be entirely safe from spoilers since you may very well stumble on a blog post detailing the latest tournament results.

It cannot be promised that list will always be filled with many videos to watch, but it's considered to be the best offer that can be provided at the moment. And right now you can watch the second semifinal and final of the Hamilton tournament should you be craving some more crokinole content.

2020 Golden Horseshoe Crokinole Tournament