I used to check twitter at least weekly for some sort of crokinole content and engage with it in some way in an effort to building some more online activity. I did this for probably a decade, and like my recession from crokinole videos, I eventually came to stop. When reports came out months ago that twitter was removing old content I went spelunking trying to remember some of the humourous moments in the past.
Being at the ripe age to have been at the right age for social media’s introduction into everyday human life I observed with twitter the same life cycle you can find on any other platform that had its day in the sun. In the era before the social media platform gets algorithmically spliced into fragments that turns its user-experience into a jaded daily high school-reunion for anyone who doesn’t have anything better to do, there is a period where the platform is fun to be on. For a time the platform can be unpredictable in a good-natured way that encourages a sense of adventure and discovery.
Looking for crokinole occurrences on twitter back in the good days was like looking for bald eagles in Ontario today; quite rare, but usually amazing when it was spotted. I had a pretty fun time looking back through a treasure trove of unusual spottings, so now I shall share this pleasure with anyone still perusing this particular platform that is well past its best days.